
Add more explicit message when error

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Some users have used the OSM workflow with a wrong config file (cf. below, too much brackets).

    "description": "Processing OSM data",
    "input": {
     "area"     : 400000,
    "locations": [[[47.1962588, 4.8664953, 47.22, 5.0]]]
    "output": {
        "folder": "/path/to/file"
    "parameters": {
        "rsu_indicators": {
            "indicatorUse": [
            "svfSimplified": true,
            "estimateHeight": true

The error returned is the following:

[main] INFO GeoClimate - 1 osm areas will be processed
[main] WARN GeoClimate - The zone [[47.1962588, 4.8664953, 47.22, 5.0]] has not been processed. Please check the log table to get more informations.
Cannot execute the OSM workflow

There is very little said about the error and the user may want to get the informations that have been saved in the log. However, there is no more information about where to find the log. And then the log is not a text file but a fgb file. Thus it might be complicated to access the log for some users. Several options:

  1. Logging the error for each zone at the end of the process
  2. Give more information about where we can find the log (by default /tmp/log_zones_'location_of_your_configfile'.fgb) and how to open it (any GIS software reading fgb files
  3. Same as 2 but saving the log as text file

Done ?

No options have been adopted =)

I'm in favor of 2.