
CircleCI image deprecation

c0c0n3 opened this issue · 1 comments

CircleCI is going to drop the Ubuntu image we use for testing on 30 Sept 2024. We should upgrade to a new one before then.

Here's the original email from CircleCI with all the details.

Hello there,

At CircleCI, we're committed to ensuring you can build great things. To this end, we have updated our image policies in order to ensure best support for new and existing images. More details about our new image retention policy can be found here.

Upcoming image deprecation

Throughout 2024 we will be making changes to the following families of images:

  • Android
  • Windows Server 2019 & 2022
  • Linux VM (amd64/arm64)
  • Remote Docker (amd64/arm64)

If you’re receiving this message it means our records show you’re using one or more CircleCI images that will reach end of life by September 30th 2024. Upgrading to the latest image will bring you better performance, powering your builds with increased speed and efficiency.

Beginning in January 2024, CircleCI has scheduled several brownout periods to draw attention to the upcoming deprecation. During these periods, your work that uses these images will temporarily fail, acting as a reminder to update your images.

Your team’s images

We’ve identified that your team is currently using the following images planned for deprecation:


Identify which configs need updating

To support your updates, we have created a script that will identify the configs in your org that utilize these images. You can find the details of the script on this GitHub public repo


How to update your config

Changing to default, current, edge or supported date tags will allow builds to continue to run with latest versions and avoid being browned out. The following code snippets show where image names can be changed - code snippets can be copied directly from the discuss post:

# Windows
resource_class: 'windows.medium'
  image: 'windows-server-2022-gui:current' # change image name here 

# Linux
  image: ubuntu-2204:current # change image name here 

# Remote docker 
  image: ubuntu-2204:current # change image name here
  docker_layer_caching: true 

# Android 
  image: android:default # change image name here

The brownout schedule

Windows (Jan, April, July)

  • First deprecation (Jan 29)
    • 07:00 UTC → 11:00 UTC
    • 13:00 UTC → 17:00 UTC
    • 20:00 UTC → 00:00 UTC
  • Second deprecation (Apr 30)
    • 01:00 UTC → 11:00 UTC
    • 13:00 UTC → 23:00 UTC
  • Third deprecation (Jul 31)
    • 00:00 UTC → 00:00 UTC (24 Hours)
  • Fourth deprecation (Sep 18)
    • 00:00 UTC → 00:00 UTC (24 Hours)
  • Windows Removal: Sept 30

Remote Docker & Linux (Feb, May, August)

  • First deprecation (Mar 4)
    • 07:00 UTC → 11:00 UTC
    • 13:00 UTC → 17:00 UTC
    • 20:00 UTC → 00:00 UTC
  • Second deprecation (May 28/29)
    • 01:00 UTC → 11:00 UTC
    • 13:00 UTC → 23:00 UTC
  • Third deprecation (Aug 28)
    • 00:00 UTC → 00:00 UTC (24 Hours)
  • Fourth deprecation (~Sep 27)
    • 00:00 UTC → 00:00 UTC (24 Hours)
  • Remote Docker & Linux Removal: Sept 30

Android (March, June, Sept)

  • First deprecation (Mar 25)
    • 07:00 UTC → 11:00 UTC
    • 13:00 UTC → 17:00 UTC
    • 20:00 UTC → 00:00 UTC
  • Second deprecation (Jun 25)
    • 01:00 UTC → 11:00 UTC
    • 13:00 UTC → 23:00 UTC
  • Third deprecation (Sep 18)
    • 00:00 UTC → 00:00 UTC (24 Hours)
  • Android Removal: Sept 30

We kindly ask your engineering team to update your config files at your earliest convenience. After September 2024 any jobs that run using these images will fail.

We appreciate your attention to this update, and we're here to support you every step of the way. If you need assistance while making changes to your configs, reach out to your TSM or check our Discuss forum for support.