
Running parallel tests in Gitlab CI

clement-hvt opened this issue · 0 comments

  • Testvench version : 6.27.1
  • Laravel: 8/83.27
  • PHP Version 7.4.33
  • Database Driver: Gitlab CI service mysql:5.7

I'd like to run my tests in parallel with the --parallel option in my Gitlab CI but I can't manage it. From the logs I get the impression that the different databases are not created (.*test_1, .*test_2, .*test_3 ...). I'm running my tests on a mysql service offered by gitlab CI (host = mysql). Is this possible and does it come from the image I'm using? Or is it not possible to run tests in parallel on a gitlab CI?

This is the command I use: ./vendor/bin/testbench package:test --parallel -c phpunit.xml --log-junit phpunit-report.xml

Thanks !