
Faker not setup after update

Closed this issue · 6 comments

  • Testbench Version: 7.26.2
  • Laravel Version: 9.52.15
  • PHP Version: 8.1
  • Database Driver & Version:

This one is working: https://github.com/rapidez/core/actions/runs/5791528367/job/15696480561 but since the Testbench update from 7.25 to 7.26 it's not working anymore: https://github.com/rapidez/core/actions/runs/5803677584/job/15732130410. Also with 7.26.2 it's not working: https://github.com/rapidez/core/actions/runs/5827705169/job/15811617310

Somehow Faker setup isn't getting called anymore: https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/9.x/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Testing/TestCase.php#L151 which we use in our test: https://github.com/rapidez/core/blob/master/tests/Browser/NewsletterTest.php#L11 and now fails as it's null: https://github.com/rapidez/core/blob/master/tests/Browser/NewsletterTest.php#L19


Please check with the latest Testbench Core 7.26 release.

Same issue: https://github.com/rapidez/core/actions/runs/5827705169/job/15813821107

  • orchestra/testbench (v7.26.2)
  • orchestra/testbench-core (v7.26.3)
  • orchestra/testbench-dusk (v7.17.0)

Unable to replicate the issue: orchestral/testbench-dusk@fef8914

Thank you for your time! I'll look into this further soon and coming back to you.

It seems that you locked laravel/dusk to ^6.22 while latest orchestra/testbench-dusk requires ^7.7 which causes incompatible. You need to upgrade laravel/dusk to fix the issue

Thank you! It's working 🚀