
Error "invalid integer value "tcp://"" when use PostgreSQL in Gitlab CI

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  • Testbench Version: v8.21.1
  • Laravel Version: v10.45.1
  • PHP Version: 8.1


When using PostgreSQL in Gitlab CI, executing ./vendor/bin/testbench migrate will encounter the following error message

In Connection.php line 829:
  SQLSTATE[08006] [7] invalid integer value "tcp://" for conne  
  ction option "port" (Connection: pgsql, SQL: select * from information_sche  
  ma.tables where table_catalog = myDatabase and table_schema = public and ta  
  ble_name = migrations and table_type = 'BASE TABLE')                         
In Connector.php line 65:
  SQLSTATE[08006] [7] invalid integer value "tcp://" for conne  
  ction option "port"    

But using Mysql will not

The following is the result of executing ./vendor/bin/testbench config:show database

database ...................................................................  
  default .............................................................. pgsql  
  connections ⇁ sqlite ⇁ driver ....................................... sqlite  
  connections ⇁ sqlite ⇁ url ............................................ null  
  connections ⇁ sqlite ⇁ database ................................. myDatabase  
  connections ⇁ sqlite ⇁ prefix ..............................................  
  connections ⇁ sqlite ⇁ foreign_key_constraints ........................ true  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ driver ......................................... mysql  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ url ............................................. null  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ host ........................................ postgres  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ port ............................................ 5432  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ database .................................. myDatabase  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ username ................................... homestead  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ password ...................................... secret  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ unix_socket ..........................................  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ charset ...................................... utf8mb4  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ collation ......................... utf8mb4_unicode_ci  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ prefix ...............................................  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ prefix_indexes .................................. true  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ strict .......................................... true  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ engine .......................................... null  
  connections ⇁ mysql ⇁ options ........................................... []  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ driver ......................................... pgsql  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ url ............................................. null  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ host ........................................ postgres  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ port ........................... tcp://  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ database .................................. myDatabase  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ username ................................... homestead  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ password ...................................... secret  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ charset ......................................... utf8  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ prefix ...............................................  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ prefix_indexes .................................. true  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ search_path ................................... public  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ sslmode ....................................... prefer  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ collation ....................................... null  
  connections ⇁ pgsql ⇁ schema .......................................... null  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ driver ....................................... sqlsrv  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ url ............................................ null  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ host ....................................... postgres  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ port ........................................... 5432  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ database ................................. myDatabase  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ username .................................. homestead  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ password ..................................... secret  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ charset ........................................ utf8  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ prefix ..............................................  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ prefix_indexes ................................. true  
  connections ⇁ sqlsrv ⇁ collation ...................................... null  
  connections ⇁ testing ⇁ driver ...................................... sqlite  
  connections ⇁ testing ⇁ database ................................... :memory  
  connections ⇁ testing ⇁ foreign_key_constraints ...................... false  
  migrations ...................................................... migrations  
  redis ⇁ client .................................................... phpredis  
  redis ⇁ options ⇁ cluster ............................................ redis  
  redis ⇁ options ⇁ prefix ................................. laravel_database_  
  redis ⇁ default ⇁ url ................................................. null  
  redis ⇁ default ⇁ host ...........................................  
  redis ⇁ default ⇁ username ............................................ null  
  redis ⇁ default ⇁ password ............................................ null  
  redis ⇁ default ⇁ port ................................................ 6379  
  redis ⇁ default ⇁ database ............................................... 0  
  redis ⇁ cache ⇁ url ................................................... null  
  redis ⇁ cache ⇁ host .............................................  
  redis ⇁ cache ⇁ username .............................................. null  
  redis ⇁ cache ⇁ password .............................................. null  
  redis ⇁ cache ⇁ port .................................................. 6379  
  redis ⇁ cache ⇁ database ................................................. 1  

I think the reason is that in Gitlab CI, services(i.e. PostgreSQL) is connected using docker link.

And according to the way Docker operates, the environment variable: POSTGRES_PORT will be created, and the value is tcp://

Then testbench will use this environment variable in HandlesDatabaseConnections.php and set it in laravel config

However, PostgreSQL does not accept this content, so it prints an error

Reference 1: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42976181/postgresql-on-aws-ecs-psycopg2-operationalerror-invalid-port-number-5432
Reference 2: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/services/#how-services-are-linked-to-the-job
Reference 3: https://docs.docker.com/network/links/#environment-variables

Steps To Reproduce:

I create demo project:

The fail job: https://gitlab.com/danny60072/testbench-postgres-port-test/-/jobs/6284037647

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Create project only use testbench
  2. Add .gitlab-ci.yml file
  - test

  stage: test
  image: danny60072/gitlab-ci-pipeline-php:8.1-node18
    # laravel
    DB_CONNECTION: mysql
    DB_HOST: mysql
    DB_PORT: 3306
    DB_DATABASE: myDatabase
    DB_USERNAME: homestead
    DB_PASSWORD: secret

    MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root_password
    - name: mysql:8.0
   - echo "$DB_PORT"
   - echo "$MYSQL_PORT"
   - echo "$POSTGRES_PORT"
   - composer install
   - ./vendor/bin/testbench config:show database
   - ./vendor/bin/testbench migrate

  stage: test
  image: danny60072/gitlab-ci-pipeline-php:8.1-node18
    # laravel
    DB_CONNECTION: pgsql
    DB_HOST: postgres
    DB_PORT: 5432
    DB_DATABASE: myDatabase
    DB_USERNAME: homestead
    DB_PASSWORD: secret

    - name: postgres:15
   - echo "$DB_PORT"
   - echo "$MYSQL_PORT"
   - echo "$POSTGRES_PORT"
   - composer install
   - ./vendor/bin/testbench config:show database
   - ./vendor/bin/testbench migrate

  1. Push to Gitlab, then wait CI

Possible temporary solution:

At present, I unset the POSTGRES_PORT environment variable at the very beginning of CI, but I think maybe testbench can add a flag in testbench.yaml to prevent testbench from executing the actions in HandlesDatabaseConnections.php