
updated inscriptions.json merged but changes not reflected on website.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

This commit was to fix the names of some ordinal inscriptions, but I'm not seeing this reflected on the website despite this update inscriptions.json with the correct ordinal names being merged.

Originally posted by @Bird-NZ in #3630 (comment)

In addition I also updated the twitter link but it is pointing to "https://ordinalswallet.com/collection/@21e6Crypto" and not "https://twitter.com/21e6Crypto" as in the meta.json.
What am I doing wrong here? I think I've updated the .json files but the changes don't seem to be registering on the website.

@Bird-NZ You don't do anything wrong. In some cases, there are sync issues from repo to website, in other cases it may take some time. Thank you for your patience.

@utxo-detective can you sync this collection?

@utxo-detective I am still seeing the issue. Can this please be left open?