
Jumbo frames (even with DEF BufferSize changed) are still split up

quickbreach opened this issue · 2 comments

After applying the recommended change in the "Limitations" section of README.rst and changing DEF BufferSize to 9000 and compiling from the source, any packets received which are greater than 1500 bytes are continued to be split into multiple packets before being passed to the callback function of the NetfilterQueue object.

Kali 2.x rolling
All interfaces have a MTU of 9000

If you watch the traffic with tcpdump, matching on a similar pattern to what you set up to send traffic into your queue, does it show the packets > 1500 bytes or so being received or sent?

I've confirmed with tcpdump that my machine is receiving frames greater than 1500 bytes long (attached screenshot shows two packets of 3021 bytes being received). Both of these packets were split up, and each piece was passed to my callback function separately - instead of each packet as a whole.
