
https, put it in settings?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I added https to my blog, had issues with "http" being hardcoded everywhere. ( font css, disquss etc)

Put it in settings, or can we get it http/s in a better way?

very nice catch. I didn't have anything to do with the disqus, but the rest should be easy. i believe a way to have protocol-relative urls is with the prefix "//" instead of "/"

@orf can you say more on the disqus issue?

I just quickly looked over the code and I saw that disqus is all external. i don't know if it supports SSL requests.

also, all the other urls are not in fact hardcoded but are generated with the flask internal url generator. It should be possible to configure Flask to use https.

How did you implement your SSL? Through a nginx proxy?

Yes with nginx

Disuqss is just put https instead of http here: https://github.com/orf/simple/blob/master/templates/view.html#L56

orf commented

All non-relative URL's should now be protocol agnostic