
Support for Multiple Windows

Closed this issue · 3 comments

This seems to be a great Julia package for plotting large number of points really fast. I've noticed that GLMakie allow multiple plot windows. I wonder InteractiveViz.jl too support this?

I haven't looked at multiple windows support in GLMakie. Will take a look.

This works:

using GLMakie
using InteractiveViz
display(GLMakie.Screen(), ilines(sin, 0, 100).fap)
display(GLMakie.Screen(), ilines(cos, 0, 100).fap)

So all that remains is to clean up the API to avoid the .fap

Fixed. This now works:

using GLMakie
using InteractiveViz
display(GLMakie.Screen(), ilines(sin, 0, 100))
display(GLMakie.Screen(), ilines(cos, 0, 100))