
Depend on AbstractPlotting

Closed this issue · 2 comments

First of all, nice package!! :)
Just wanted to drop in, and say, that you should rather depend on AbstractPlotting, instead of Makie:

Makie = "ee78f7c6-11fb-53f2-987a-cfe4a2b5a57a"

using Makie is identical to using AbstractPlotting, GLMakie. But if you just depend on AbstractPlotting, your users can easily switch out backends, and e.g. display those plots in the web or save it to a pdf with CairoMakie ;)
If you want to have GLMakie as a default backend readily available for your user, depending on Makie.jl is fine, since it's still possible for the user to switch backends ;) They just always need to compile GLMakie as well, even when not using it!

Thanks for the feedback. Will update.
