
org formation support specific CDK stack to deploy

lielran opened this issue · 3 comments

it seems that org formation is using --all to deploy all stacks. it would be nice to have a parameter to control on which stack to deploy (with default of all)

const commandExpression = { 'Fn::Sub': 'npx cdk destroy --all --require-approval=never ${CurrentTask.Parameters}' } as ICfnSubExpression;

I've currently solved it for myself by specifying the stack name in the customdeploycommand:

CustomDeployCommand: !Sub AWS_REGION=${AWS::Region} npx cdk deploy --app "ts-node ./src/main.ts" "*gitlab-oidc" --require-approval never

Oh nice!
We just lunch org-formation cdk support and plan to run all the stacks because of this limitation.
it also can prevent us the usage of npx since we already have cdk installed on the node modules and local folders

closed since there is a valid workaround