
Update to Vue 3.0

kevmansa opened this issue · 2 comments

This doesn't appear to function with vue 3.0. I believe the issue is related to this - From the documentation:
Render Function Argument

2.x Syntax

In 2.x, the render function would automatically receive the h function (which is a conventional alias for createElement) as an argument:

// Vue 2 Render Function Example
export default {
render(h) {
return h('div')

3.x Syntax

In 3.x, h is now globally imported instead of being automatically passed as an argument.

// Vue 3 Render Function Example
import { h } from 'vue'

export default {
render() {
return h('div')

You can go around this issue by importing import Avataaars from 'vuejs-avataaars/src/Avataaars.vue' directly.
