
Ability screen: Always visible number of selected cards?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Very low priority one this one I think, but maybe having the "Deck X / Y" always visible might be a nice - if low priority - quality of life enhancement?

You mean this counter? Its always visible I think, isnt it ?

Deck count
Not on desktop under Chrome or Firefox (probably others too, haven't tried) - In the above I've scrolled down 1 notch and the menu goes off-screen and the deck count starts to go off-screen. I keep scrolling and it will go off screen.

Menu? not a problem - rarely need to access it.
Deck count has the same behaviour on the Enhancements screen, but you don't need a count of it on that screen.

Ooooh I see !
That would indeed improve the UX, good point :)

I qet the header bar to sticky, it stays on top:

Awesome, thank you - nice QoL improvements like this make things much more usable