[INFO] Virustotal and antivirus detection
origami-xyz opened this issue · 0 comments
I often get messages here and in the mail that this repository and these files are malicious. I'm tired of replying to everyone, so I'll post here.
This code uses multithreading (System.Threading), proxy handling (System.Net), file system functions (System.IO) and other libraries. Also, you may notice that I used MetroFramework design and icons. I don't know why, but when downloading this file on VirusTotal there are detections from some unknown antivirus.
My code does not execute anything malicious, it only works with normal system libraries. I think there are fake detections because I use those functions that are often used in malicious files (multithreading, proxy handling, etc.).
So I HAVE to put a password on the archive to prevent it from being deleted by Google Chrome or Windows Defender.
You may not believe me. I am not forcing you to use my program. I made it in good faith to learn Web3 skills and to get a popular repository in my portfolio.
All the best.