- 9
Including a library, that builds on React, in a remote results into "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'useRef')"
#534 opened by pganster - 9
- 1
- 11
Shared works only for top level imports
#564 opened by vovkiv94 - 2
#496 opened by guccihuiyuan - 7
Plugin is not working with rtk query hooks
#516 opened by Sasha-meow - 6
Support dev server remote entry file
#525 opened by Darshan-Naik - 10
Rollup failed to resolve import "__federation_fn_satisfy" from "virtual:__federation_fn_import
#549 opened by mannymu - 6
Shared dependancies trying to load directly from `node_modules` instead of Vite Dev Server
#539 opened by iamdriz - 7
Vue SSR - Entry module cannot be external
#523 opened by reiyanyan - 9
Getting TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'init') when fetching remote from host
#506 opened by MateoKruk - 2
Shared dependency problem, the style does not take effect after the host calls the remote module
#495 opened by tuskermanshu - 5
Failed to fetch dynamically imported module:
#544 opened by YKalashnikov - 6
Adding a base path to vite.config.js host module in vue3-demo-esm-expose-store pinia store sharing doesn't work
#542 opened by fbrillante - 5
React: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'config') in devSharedScopeCode
#527 opened by shinyuna - 1
Angular 17 host example
#562 opened by W014ara - 3
Upgrade to vite 5.x
#550 opened by maxKimoby - 0
- 8
React Microfrontend does not work on an app with different React versions
#559 opened by CerealPlayer - 1
Cannot use latest and Vue compiler
#541 opened by echjordan0 - 6
Assets folder into a single file
#489 opened by vzenix - 1
remoteEntry.js file response is text/html error
#563 opened by pclokcer - 1
- 1
Virtual federation creates own wrapShareModule and not use the globalThis.__federation_shared__
#543 opened by bustEXZ - 4
Remote component stylesheet inside a shadow-root is placed in the main DOM, defeating the purpose of shadow dom isolation
#488 opened by skypyxis - 0
Cannot find module 'remoteApp/BlueButton' or its corresponding type declarations.
#557 opened by Rhejie - 1
SourceMap support?
#554 opened by grafikri - 0
vue2 uses @originjs/vite-plugin-federation. Why does the state object in store defined by pinia change from Observer2 to RefImpl2?
#545 opened by BertramXue - 1
__rf_placeholder__shareScope is not defined
#547 opened by atomrevival - 2
shared module which export default function like dayjs will get error TypeError: xxx is not a function
#537 opened by unformalized - 0
Skip import of preload-helper in remoteEntry, if modulePreload is not set to false
#540 opened by zzlatkov92 - 3
Dynamic Remotes with React
#526 opened by dk-v - 0
'/node_modules/.vite/deps/vue_macros.js?v=f5ac39fe' does not provide an export named '$'
#536 opened by wonderfulMan - 9
- 0
Add magic comment for webpackIgnore alongsize vite-ignore to allow host to be used as dependency
#533 opened by bardisg - 2
preload-helper uses wrong host
#510 opened by ker-nicolaib - 1
Vue 3 + Vite - Reactivity (computed) is lost when importing remote module
#528 opened by kristremblay - 0
If the remote module is incorrectly configured, the error information is unclear.
#522 opened by ygj6 - 6
Can not run examples/react-vite project
#511 opened by alvin0216 - 3
Failed to load url `virtual:__federation__` with react
#494 opened by husayt - 3
Default React Export Issue Post 1.3.1 Release
#498 opened by MauriceAyasse - 3
Can not run examples/react-in-vue project
#513 opened by lukyncze - 2
Config output when build production
#509 opened by lequangdongg - 0
Using Solidjs fails to build/compile: missing './types' specifier in @originjs/vite-plugin-federation
#508 opened by CSworenI - 3
Could not load virtual:__federation__
#502 opened by yves-v - 1
React.createContext is not a function
#497 opened by AsuraKev - 0
#504 opened by n0inzisch - 0
I am using react-dropzone is my remote app & getting this error "useDropzone is not a function", while if i remove it from my vite config, project builds & runs successfully
#501 opened by ubaidrajputtmetastaq - 0
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Group')
#500 opened by vuhoangnamkstn97 - 0
Expose does not work when used repeatedly
#490 opened by He110te4m