
What is needed to launch?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Let's use this issue to gather thoughts on an 'ask' from Open Source in Pharma. What is needed to launch PROUD and what is PROUD asking of Open Source in Pharma? Output will be a short document highlighting overlap / collaboration / needs.

Some initial thoughts...

How can Open Source in Pharma help make PROUD a success?

  • create slack channel on established platform (conf or org slack workspace) for members
  • slack channel on Open Source in Pharma space for organizational aspects
  • access to outreach within Pharma (through R/Pharma program committee members) plus general promotion
  • hosting of recorded content on R/Pharma YouTube channel
  • network of established workshop hosts (if needed)
  • use of Zoom or alternate platform for meetings

Benefits for Open Source in Pharma

  • resonates with Open Source in Pharma DNA of inclusivity, community and learning
  • network of underrepresented speakers for future conferences

... and why promoting underrepresentation and tipping the balance is important (thanks Christina for pointing to this): https://fortune.com/2023/11/27/devternity-tech-conference-fake-women-speakers-profiles-engineering/?ref=biztoc.com

Thanks @harveyl888 for kicking it off.

I think the other benefit to Open Source in Pharma might be something around the culture of technical discussions:

  • forum for nuanced and inclusive discussion of technical concepts and solutions: there are many ways to solve a problem but often this tends to evolve into a right (my way) way and a wrong way (not my way) which hinders progress.