
Request: Implement Postgis Preset

KoduIsGreat opened this issue · 2 comments

PostGIS is awesome and it would be great to have a preset for it, I've started one already that i'm using that works well enough for me but its probably not ready to be merged. I can submit a PR if you want to review.

Thanks for suggesting, it sounds great!

From what I see in your fork, there are only two differences from regular postgres:

  • image changed to postgis/postgis
  • there is a new query create extension postgis in a testdata file.

If these are the only differences, adding a new preset won't be hard at all. It will be tedious though because there won't be anything "interesting" to implement, only follow a long checklist of things to do.

If you can work on checking all or some of the boxes, it would be nice, if not, I'll handle the copy/pasting of postgres with a couple of changes. What do you think?

@orlangure I can work on checking some of those boxes, i'm a bit tied up right now with other projects but i should beable to dedicate more time to this relatively soon.