
pipwin3 also needs pipwin3-script.py

humodz opened this issue · 1 comments

The wiki page for Python mentions:

Make sure for Python3 to go to your Python's scripts folder (C:\Python3X\Scripts) and copy pipwin.exe to pipwin3.exe.

However, I also needed to copy pipwin-script.py to pipwin3-script.py for it to work.

Another issue that may be worth mentioning in the wiki is that the Python 2.7 installer may not install pip for some reason; this can be fixed by running python -m ensurepip -v.

I followed steps 1 to 4 on this wiki for installing MSYS2. This is how you install MSYS2 on Windows 7.

If the latest version of the MSYS2 installer doesn't work on Windows 7, I recommend using this guide. Follow steps 1 to 4, and then if you are like me and are trying to install Ruby, run the ridk install.

This is the workaround for version 2.4.3-1(x64).