
how create a executable linux

rruffer opened this issue · 6 comments

lauch4j's proposal is to create executables for all platforms. but I'm only able to create windows executables (.exe). How can I configure mavem pom to generate an executable on linux?

note: I started on windows 10 and now I'm developing on ubunto 18. In ubunto it is generating .exe. when i rename the output file without the .exe the lauch4j plug fails.

I have a same problem, could somebody help on this topic?

Nope, as Launch4j states that clearly here

Cross-platform Java executable wrapper for creating lightweight Windows native EXEs.
The wrapped program works on Windows only, but Launch4j works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

So you can build only Windows EXEs, other platforms are not supported. Yet you can build those EXEs on any platform.

What a bad news. Is there any plugin that creates a linux executable. pass parameter in .ini file equal to lauch4j?

Sorry but I don't know :(

@rruffer you could possibly develop a wrapper using kotlin-native that would then spawn a java subprocess to run your application. Kotlin-native is multiplatform, and will build executables for Windows, Mac OSX, Linux, etc

@leewalton java is multiplatform too. But I thought that the only way to start an executable jar passing parameters to vm was with java -jar arguments executable.jar. That's why I got interested in lauch4j. But researching some more I saw that starting a .jar that has a screen the command has to be javaw. In the case java -jar calls console applications and javaw -jar calls applications that have a screen. there it was just doing a .bat and a .sh that everything ran perfectly without the prompt screen.

ex .bat:
@echo off
start javaw -jar arguments socket-fx-0.0.1.jar