
Exe not working when using 2 or more jre fallback paths

asiemsuk opened this issue · 2 comments

From Launch4j 3.13, it added support to use JAVA_HOME and/or PATH environment variables to search for a runtime, if the registry keys is not found (See documentation at: http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/docs.html -> <jre> -> <path>).

I am using AdoptOpenJDK and it does not add the registry keys by default.

If I add <path>%JAVA_HOME%;%PATH%</path> (like the documentation example) to the jre configuration in the pom.xml, the generated exe will not work. But if I add only <path>%JAVA_HOME%</path> or <path>%PATH%</path>, the exe works fine.

Which version of the plugin did you use? Could you try to use 2.0.1?

You are right !

I was using the plugin with no version specified. I thought it was using the latest version, but instead it was using 1.7.25.

Just updated to 2.0.1 and it works fine !!
