Lets you inline TypeScript types in your READMEs trivially. You pass in a file and the type to pick up in your README.
<!-- AUTO-GENERATED-CONTENT:START (TYPE:src=./types.d.ts&symbol=B) -->
Turns to:
<!-- AUTO-GENERATED-CONTENT:START (TYPE:src=./types.d.ts&symbol=B) -->
<!-- The below code snippet is automatically added from ./types.d.ts -->
/** A */
type B = {
/** C comment */
c: string
When you run pnpm md-magic
pnpm add markdown-magic-inline-types
Edit your config file:
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const markdownMagic = require('markdown-magic')
const config = {
transforms: {
TYPE: require('markdown-magic-inline-types')
const markdownPath = path.join(__dirname, 'README.md')
markdownMagic(markdownPath, config)
Then you run it like:
pnpm md-magic --config ./config.js
It's a pretty simple plugin, this README is basically longer than the source code. The rough gist is that it makes a TypeScript AST of the file, searches in that file with the name passed in as 'symbol' - then use a printer to print it.
You can run it locally:
git clone https://github.com/orta/markdown-magic-inline-types
cd markdown-magic-inline-types
# Runs the example project in the repo
pnpm readme