
Env vars substitution problem

Closed this issue · 3 comments

In ENTRYPOINT we load config files and substitute env vars.
Unfortunately we first load the configs as JSON and only after that we substitute ${}

That means we cannot use env vars for non-string values

For example "IndexConnectionsCount" : ${ORTHANC_DB_INDEX_CONNECTIONS_COUNT}
because this is not valid JSON.
And if we enclose the value to quotes that will be an invalid int value in the config.

Maybe we should consider using a more straightforward substitution approach like just envsubst for the files

amazy commented

Seems like we could indeed call envsubst from python before parsing the file

for filePath in configFiles:
  logInfo("reading configuration from " + filePath)
  with open(filePath, "r") as f:
    content = f.read()

------------ here -------------

      cleanedContent = removeCppCommentsFromJson(content)
      configFromFile = json.loads(cleanedContent)
      logError("Unable to parse Json file '{f}'; check syntax".format(f = filePath))
    configurator.mergeConfigFromFile(configFromFile, filePath)

The substitution that happens afterwards is somehow different since it uses Env var names to add values at the right place in the config file.

that would be nice thing to have
or may be to keep backward compatibility we can do that only on json load exception

amazy commented

it is safe to do it in anycase.
Fixed in 6e6c105