
Expired access tokens return the wrong error type

Closed this issue · 2 comments

(First up, thank you so much for your work on the ORY projects, they're a godsend).

RFC 6750 requires that resource servers should respond to expired access tokens with the error code invalid_token.

The OpenID spec says that the userinfo response should use errors as per RFC 6750.

Hydra's implementation does not comply and responds to an expired access token with an error code token_expired.

return errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrTokenExpired.WithHintf("Access token expired at '%s'.", r.GetRequestedAt().Add(h.AccessTokenLifespan)))

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Generate an access token with ORY Hydra
  2. Wait until the access token is expired (or expire it via the db)
  3. Attempt to access the /userinfo endpoint with the expired access token
  4. You will receive a response with token_expired

Expected behavior

The response should return invalid_token.


  • Version: master

Nice find! Would you be up for a PR? :)

mitar commented

I think this can be closed now?