
feat: summit.ory.sh 2023 landing page and register for the event

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For the upcoming Ory summit, we need to start promoting the event and give people the possibility to register for it. Later we will add additional information like speaker info, agenda, logistics etc.
But for now: Landing page on summit.ory.sh, where people can see the main event info (when & where) and have the possibility to register for it.

--- To be clarifed ---
Data flow summit.ory.sh <-> hubspot?
Cookie / Data Policy when using HubSpot forms?
---/ To be clarifed ---

Landing page (design/UI provided @jfcurran )
- Elements on the Landing Page
- Date / Time / Location
- Mini Claim (Prose), One Liner
- Count Down
- Links on this page (and I suggest also on all upcoming sub-pages)
- To summit 2022 (https://www.ory.sh/summit/2022/)
- To Ory (https://www.ory.sh/) (click on logo )
- Button:
- Login to Register (for free) (if not signed up)
- ??? Already logged in -> To the event (or just if(auth)?redirectTo/registration)

  • The Login should be our standard Ory Login (similar to web and console)
  • After successfully log in or registration, the user is redirected to the registration sub page.

registration sub page (for unregistered folks!)
- A small form with some data (tell us about you + registration)
- Ideally this form is managed and maintained in hubspot, exported as raw html, and integrated via JS in this page (which also takes care for the styling part) -> Cookie / Data Policy
- TODO: Validation of data (eg required fields). Client/Hubspot?
- Sample Form data
Yes I’m looking forward to attending the Ory Summit 2023. I will attend
( ) in Person
( ) virtual
[ ] Please keep me informed about summit 2023 news and updates.
Company Name: _______________
Role: [ -v]
- After the validation of the data and

registration sub page (for registered folks!)