
Task Manger for Osjs

mahsashadi opened this issue · 7 comments

Does Osjs have any task manager for showing memory usage in client-side?
If there is not, what is your suggestion for developing such a capability?
I am thinking of one application which can shows memory usage per app, widget, and so on.

There is no way to show memory usage per app, etc. These all run within the same shared memory.

Closed by mistake...

As I searched, getting size of objects is not provided in JS language.

Although I have found one library to do this, but the valid amount of consumed memory by each object is specified at run time, and depended on browser.

So do you think we can make use of modules like that to calculate memory usage of OSjs apps?

That won't really help because it can only get the size of an object. There's more to it that that.

Yes, as you said, for example, functions are not supported.

Even if one module can calculate all types, is that usable? Because as I know memory consumption is specified at run time by browser.

Going to close this because I think this discussion has concluded.

Even though there's no way to measure performance stats, I would happily accept and document (or transfer to the official org account) an app like this.