Syntaxic errors in some examples
sma350 opened this issue · 3 comments
Dear all,
i'm trying to use the Error Model Annex of AADL in osate (osate2-2.0.3) but i have some errors in the following folders ARP4761, error-model and Train. For example in ARP4761>integration>main.aadl i have this error : "mismatched input 'type' expecting 'behavior' ". I have different errors in the other folders. I want to know why I have these errors.
Best regards.
I currently do not have these errors/issues. Can you try to reproduce it with the testing/development version as well?
hi, thanks for your reply.
i used the testing/development version and most of the errors are gone.
I still have two errors in the error-model example. The first error is in the model ConditionalFlows.aadl in the line "passthru: error path inp -> outp" (Incoming error propagation inp constraint is not contained in type set of outgoing propagation outp), and th second is in the model LargeExample.aadl "Multiple markers in this line S234 and S123 not found" ?
The error in ConditionalFlows has been fixed. The one in the LargeExample are related to the behavior annex. Please contact the developer of the behavior annex to investigate the issue.