Laravel Migrations Generator: Automatically generate your migrations from an existing database schema.
- 85mine
- AfiMorganCincinnati, OH
- bholubWODTogether, Inc.
- blakelu
- cnngraphicshttp://www.xerodoc.com
- Dezinger
- dirszas14Indonesia
- domainregistrarDomain Registrar Services Ltd
- einnar82Philippines
- erlangparasuIndonesia, Bali
- Fgodoy18Chile
- ggdxBishop's Stortford, UK
- Guilherme-AndreotiQyon
- hgasofthgasoft@gmail.com
- hrdgitHaiti
- jasperfIMWZ
- jorgeotavioNeoPerformance
- leonel-qwantec
- MammutAlex@cargofy
- marat-dimaevRussia
- matiasquevedoEmbalsa
- mblarsenPlantura GmbH
- Mobius1West Midlands, England
- nasatome
- OgerKingGhostwheel
- oscarafdevBuenos Aires, Argentina
- palamago@Datawheel @chequeado
- qwelzqwelz
- rmundelMundel Tecnologia
- sajaddpIslamic Republic of Iran
- simonecicognaniFreelance
- staybox001Brazil
- TardencillaRuizNicaragua
- trentramseyer
- vivekarisInnovation for the Nation
- xddq