
Install Osclass on IBM Cloud

mahsandu opened this issue · 0 comments

This documentation will describe how to Install Osclass on IBM Cloud.


You will need an IBM Cloud Pay-As-You-Go or Subscription Account type which can be found here.


This docs will describe how to install Osclass on IBM Cloud. These four steps will be needed as follows:

  • Step 1: Provision Kubernetes Cluster
  • Step 2: Deploy IBM Cloud Block Storage plug-in
  • Step 3: Deploy Osclass
  • Step 4: Verify Installation

So let's get started.

Step 1: Provision Kubernetes Cluster

  • Search for Kubernetes and select Kubernetes Service from the list.

You will be redirected to the Kubernetes cluster creation page.

Option A: Create free Kubernetes Engine:

  • Price Plan: Free


Enter the cluster name of your choice then click Create to provision the free Kubernetes Cluster.
Please wait for few moments to provision the cluster.

Option B: Create Standard Kubernetes Engine with the following attributes:

  • Price Plan: Standard


  • Infrastructure: Classic
  • Availability: Multi Zone
  • Metro: Dallas
  • 4 VCPU
  • 16 GB RAM
  • Worker nodes per zone: 3


Enter the cluster name of your choice then click Create to provision.


Please wait for a few moments to provision the cluster.

Step 2: Deploy IBM Cloud Block Storage plug-in

  • Just like in step 1, search for "Block Storage" and Click on it.


  • On the Block Storage page click on Create


  • Now input the storage details

N.B. Select location as the cluster location.

  • Location > Europe > London > LON02

  • Billing Method > Monthly > 20 GB

  • OS type > Linux

  • IOPS > 2 IOPS/GB

  • Click on “I have agreed to the terms and conditions listed below”.

Now a storage plugin will be available in the dashboard.

Step 3: Deploy Osclass

  • Again Search for Osclass and Click on it.


You will be taken to the Osclass deployment page.

In the Osclass creation page add the details below:

  • Target: IBM Kubernetes Service
  • Method: Helm chart
  • Kubernetes cluster: mycluster-free
  • Target namespace: osclass
  • Workspace: osclass
  • Resource group: Default


  • Check on “I have agreed to the terms and conditions listed below”.

Click Install to deploy Osclass.
Please wait for all the process to complete.


Step 4: Verify Installation

  • Go to Left Navigation Menu.
  • Click on Kubernetes


  • Click on your Cluster "mycluster-free".


You will be taken to your clusters overview page where you will see the details of your cluster as well.

  • To verify the installation find the Actions..
  • Click on it and select Web terminal from the dropdown menu.


Click install, then wait for a couple of minutes to finish the process.


  • After completing the installation click on Actions > Web terminal again.

A command line terminal will appear. Type the command below:

Get the list of pods:

kubectl get ns


See if it is running:

kubectl get pod -n osclass -o wide


The Installation is now done! Enjoy !