
dtt_svd error

Opened this issue · 4 comments

When constructing a TT matrix from an Hamiltonian operator with a very large number of degrees of freedom the norm of the matrices passed to the QR factorization routine becomes too large.

The error can be reproduced using the attached code.



I have found a much simpler example which shows the problem.
The problem is in the dtt_ort() routine. The first element of the U matrix keeps growing and after a large number of iterations the result is nan.
I am attaching the example.

After looking at the methodology and at the code I don't believe that this is an error.
When sweeping through the cores using the QR decomposition the R factor keeps growing and there is no simple way to avoid it. In the example I have taken K tensor products of identity matrices E each of size N. The R factor of E reshaped as a (N*N) vector is just sqrt(N). Thus after sweeping through K cores it becomes N^(K/2). Of course when K is very large this gives numerical problems. In my case after K=882 it is NaN. The code keeps on running without detecting the NaN (but this can be compiler dependent).
As far as I can see it doesn't seem like a bug. Am I right?

@rborrelli it is possible to get it fixed by making not QR decompositions, by
a decomposition where the columns of Q are orthogonal (not orthonormal), and R has small norm.
I.e., you can write 10^100 * 1, or you can write it as 10 x 10 x 10 x ... x 10. In the latter case, there will be no overflow.

The same problem holds in the SVD procedure. In this case the truncated singular value matrices of each core are multiplied K times running into overflow for very large K. Of course the trick can also be applied in this case. I was wondering, however, if in the truncated SVD procedure the singular values of core J could be used to defined the new truncated core J, instead of begin multiplied to the core J-1.