
Recreating Quickstart rest/impl Discrepancy

Camzra opened this issue · 2 comments

When working through the enRoute quickstart tutorial , on the second page instructions for Creating the Debug Version of quickstart, I am getting an error creating the indexes at the top of the project.
mvn bnd-indexer:index bnd-indexer:index@test-index

It appears that the project template created the "impl" sub-project but the sonatype repository doesn't have a template for "impl". The repository does have a template called "rest". I changed the app/pom.xml to reference the "rest" artifact as a dependency instead of "impl". This allows the successful construction of the index, but the next step, mvn bnd-resolver:resolve fails because it can't find the rest sub-project.

Additional note. I was able to continue the tutorial by changing the "impl" sub-project to "rest" and updating the app.bndrun file to look for "rest" instead of "impl". It looks like a discrepancy in the project template somewhere.

I had a similar issue as @RCHinds .

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project app: Could not resolve dependencies for project 
org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart:app:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact 
org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart:impl:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT in OSGi 

I noticed while updating the app.bndrun in the first page tutorial here, org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart.rest was shown in the example app.bndrun code snippet but it was not present in my app.bndrun after I ran

quickstart/app $ mvn -pl app -am  bnd-indexer:index bnd-indexer:index@test-index bnd-resolver:resolve package

How To Resolve quickstart/app $ mvn bnd-indexer:index bnd-indexer:index@test-index
To get mvn bnd-indexer:index bnd-indexer:index@test-index to work before you change the pom file to include the word debug as mentioned in the tutorial:
Change lines 17-19 of the quickstart/app/pom.xml from


to be the rest artifact with a different version:


Then, change part of the quickstart/app/app.bndrun (which was line 20 for me) from


to match what was outputted in the example, so it is also the rest artifact with a different version:


This works because there is a version of the rest artifact available for download from sonatype bot not one for impl.

How To Resolve quickstart/app $ mvn bnd-resolver:resolve

To get mvn bnd-resolver:resolve to work AFTER you change the pom file to include the word debug as mentioned in the tutorial:
Change line 5 of the app.bndrun from

-runrequires: osgi.identity;filter:='(osgi.identity=org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart.impl)'

to this

-runrequires: osgi.identity;filter:='(osgi.identity=org.osgi.enroute.examples.quickstart.rest)'

Change part of the quickstart/app/debug.bndrun (which was line 35 for me) from


to match what was outputted in the example, so it is also the rest artifact with a different version:


The mvn verify command should also work after this, and so should java -jar target/debug.jar