Loan Application Project

This project provides a backend for a loan application system.


    Node.js and npm


Set up the environment:

    Create a file named .env in your project directory. Copy the environment variables from .env.test to .env. These variables are essential for connecting to the database.

Install dependencies:

    Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project directory.

    Run the following command to install the project's dependencies:

      npm install

Seed the database (optional):

If you want to populate the database with initial data (seeds), run the following command:

  npx prisma db seed

Run the application:

Start the application using npm:

  npm run start
    This will start the backend server, typically listening on port 3000 by default.

Access the API documentation:

    Once the application is running, you can view the API documentation in your web browser at:


Using Docker Compose (optional)

This project also includes a docker-compose.yml file for a convenient way to run the application and its dependencies using Docker Compose.

Build the Docker images:

    If you haven't already, install Docker Compose. Refer to the official documentation for installation instructions:

    In your terminal, navigate to your project directory and run the following command:

      docker-compose build
This will build the Docker images for the application and its dependencies.

Start the application:

Run the following command to start the application using Docker Compose:

  docker-compose up -d

The -d flag detaches the containers from the terminal, allowing them to run in the background.

The application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.