A simple overlay network written using Java to search for files and download them
mvn clean install
after building the code you can run a single node using the distributed_search.jar in the target folder
bootsrap server should be running before starting nodes, to run the bootstrap server goto the BS folder and double click start.bat file
now go to target folder
run the following command (replace the parameters with real values)
java -jar distributed_search.jar <bootsratp_server_ip> <bootstrap_server_port> <node_ip> <node_send_port> <node_receive_port> <node_name>
if you are running bootstrap server on your local machine add as the IP of bootstrap server and 55555 as the port of the bootstrap server
You can give any arbitary values for the node IP and node Port
a node will be start to run
search <file name> - will start a search query on given file name (no inverted commas needed)
download <file_name> <server_node_ip> <server_node_receive_port>
neighbours - will show the routing table
leave - will unregister from bootstrap server and leave the network
start.bat file has provided to make the process easier, clicking the start.bat will start the bootsrap and run 10 nodes automatically
( you should build the code before running start.bat )