Scripts that does stuff. Poorly.
Run the script with the equations as arguments:
python3 5+4 16/3 3/4 8*3 17-5
Run the script and set the first argument to the spellchecking-percentage and then your string:
python3 5 "Hello my name is Tim Fielding and I'm 26 years old."
Run the script and set the first argument to the minimum length and the second to the maximum length:
python3 10 15
Run the script and set the argument to your birth date in YYMMDD-format:
python3 900703
Run the script and set the argument to the number of proverbs you want to generate, make sure that the "list_proverbs"-file is in the same directory as the script:
python3 10
Run the script with the numbers as arguments:
python3 42 8.8 1337
Run the script with your sentence as an argument:
python3 "Jag älskar Sverige över allt annat för jag är en sann sverigevän! Avsätt Löfvén och hans patrask"