
About using the Api Key in High Volume Websites

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Our team created a map to track the coronavirus spread using Openstreet map, however, users complain it does not have the India borders updated. The site is having about 4 million visits per day.

  • What do you recommend us in this scenario?
  • Can we use this Map and the API key available in this repository?

Best, Dariel

@darielnoel I don't maintain this API key and I think it's likely with @planemad, and he'd be the best person to comment.

4 million visit is a lot (🎉) but perhaps you can get around the number of map tiles consumed by setting a max zoom limit because the data is only visualised at a country level? So you can set max zoom to say 4 or 5 and that means people won't fetch too many tiles.

Its possible for anyone to use the tiles with their own Mapbox api key #40