
cosmogony parameters

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Years ago, I have been using cosmogony with the parameters filter-langs and country-code They are not recognized anymore by the latest version. I have not found any relevant information on that matter.

cosmogony --filter-langs fr en --country-code FR -i FR/FR.osm.pbf -o FR/FR.2.osm.json

Could someone be nice enough to help on that matter ?



I can answer the question myself. I have been reading all the changelogs and by chance I have seen that the parameters of --filter-langs fr en have to be comma separated. So the correct command line is

cosmogony --filter-langs fr,en --country-code FR -i FR/FR.osm.pbf -o FR/FR.2.osm.json

Maybe the real issue is simply the lack of documentation

Also it could be interesting to say more explicitely that additional help is available with

./cosmogony generate --help
./cosmogony merge --help

Anyway it is a great tool, thanks.