
An exception occurred while executing a query: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 8 attempt to write a readonly database

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thanks @mcliquid !
Sorry about this, it's now fixed!

@jbelien Thanks for the fix! Can it be that the database in general has a problem? I currently get almost daily new entries from users who I have already written to but then appear in the tool again as new. As if my changes are not saved.

Can it be that the database in general has a problem?
I currently get almost daily new entries from users who I have already written to but then appear in the tool again as new. As if my changes are not saved.

A few weeks ago I migrated the OSM Welcome Tool to Digital Ocean App Platform.
But performances were really bad so I decided to go back to the initial setup (OSMBE VM).
Unfortunately I couldn't recuperate the changes made since the migration and you indeed have lost data.
You can follow this here: osmbe/community_planning#41

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Good news: I've decided NOT to migrate OSM Welcome Tool in the end so these issues won't happen again.