
Toggling styles shouldn’t zoom out to fit bbox

rasagy opened this issue · 3 comments

In cases of larger changesets, you would zoom in to examine a particular feature, and then switch layers with the intention of comparing the information in that context. As of now, it zooms out to fit bbox everytime you toggle layers:

View changeset: http://osmlab.github.io/changeset-map/#46923961

Possible alternative: retain the map location, and show a control for fit view to bbox (or something similar). Thoughts @planemad @manoharuss @ajithranka @geohacker?


  • once we disable pitch and roll, our mouse right clicks are unusable on changeset map. Can we use double click of right click to go 5 zoom levels in and single click for 5 zoom levels out? do you think it will help us parse through large area changesets?

  • What do you think on having these futures look more prominent and big in higher zoom levels? That would help us to spot them easy on bbox view.

Can we use double click of right click to go 5 zoom levels in and single click for 5 zoom levels out? do you think it will help us parse through large area changesets?

Per chat with @manoharuss & @ajithranka, we’ll try to avoid creating new controls that might not be easily discoverable: adding controls like double right click would be an added thing to learn that doesn’t work across other tools.

What do you think on having these futures look more prominent and big in higher zoom levels? That would help us to spot them easy on bbox view.

Taking this forward in #125.

retain the map location

Yes, this is the expected behaviour when one switches the style

and show a control for fit view to bbox

Personally don't find a need for a control to do this. Its easy enough to scroll out right now.

A fit to bbox control will make sense if we have a list of changed features that we can zoom into on click, and zoom out when nothing is selected.