
Use the new building source for the rest of LA county

Closed this issue · 4 comments

LA County will release a new building source layer from latest LARIAC. We will use this for the rest of the unimported areas within the county.

Next actions

  • Get the data from LA County GIS unit. @jschleuss
  • Match building data to parcel using AIN as reference attribute. Should we also use the new parcel data? @jschleuss
  • Process data into OSM XML split by census blocks @maning
  • Prepare TM projects. @maning
  • Announce to the world.

@jschleuss @cityhubla @almccon

Data is now ready!

Some notes:

  • I modified the script to improve indexing during the chunking process. (#113)
  • chunk.py fails if there are invalid geometries in the input. I deleted the invalid geometries (12 polygons) from the new building shapefile.
  • To speed up the process, I only refreshed the .osm files for the blocks we have not yet imported (1869 in total).
  • There were buildings that were outside the census block poly, these buildings were not included in the current refresh.

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