
Suppress Pasadena

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Based on all the problems we are seeing with the Pasadena address data (see #9) and the over-complex building shapes (see #19) which also lack heights (see #3 (comment)), I recommend we skip Pasadena as part of this import.

We can do this by skipping any features that have Source=PASADENA.GIS.

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Happy new years! I've been searching for the state of Jefferson up in norcal. Reading up, I concur with setting Pasadena aside, we should look at the other sets, glendale and palmdale as they are sources along with Pasadena that was used to make the building outline datasst were using

From the county GIS website

City of Palmdale – building outlines from the LAR-IAC (2006) imagery – derived from orthogonal imagery.

City of Pasadena – building outlines from earlier imagery, updated with LAR-IAC2 (2008) imagery in 2008

City of Glendale – building outlines from earlier imagery, updated with LAR-IAC2 (2008) imagery in 2008

City of Los Angeles – building outlines from LAR-IAC2 (2008), stereo generated, for all buildings > 64 square feet

The rest of the County – building outlines from LAR-IAC2 (2008), stereo generated, for all buildings > 400 square feet

Suppressing Pasadena and Courtyards #27, we have ~299K out of ~314K buildings to import.

Closing this issue per #23, Pasadena will not be imported at this time due to it's complex geometry.