
beaker key generate should allow 12 or 24 words

daniel-farina opened this issue ยท 4 comments

  • Currently it only supports 24 words mnemonics.
beaker key set test 'praise wagon resist capital oxygen bounce vivid jacket pool crime embody dress'
Error: Invalid phrase, if word length is not 24, please consider using 24-words mnemonic
Caused by:
    bip39 error

This is a bip32 lib limitation which has fixed entropy. I don't think it would make sense to support unless there is a strong case for it.

Let me know if you think otherwise.

Agreed, I also don't think the envisioned usage of beaker needs robust key management. Its just for test keys, and a 12 word restriction seems fine for rn to me.

Eventually we'll just get more key things as a shim over osmosisd presumably.

@ValarDragon FFI to Go might make sense down the road I think. So user doesn't need to install the whole osmosisd.

sounds good!