
OpenStreetMap baselayer: Correct attribution

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello @osoc21/the-floof-fighters ,

Congratulations for using OpenStreetMap Belgium tileserver, we appreciate it !

BUT you completely miss the attribution !

Hi Jonathan, thanks for pointing this out! We'll be sure to add proper attribution tomorrow :)

Thanks but not quite there yet :

We require that you use the credit “© OpenStreetMap contributors”.
--- Source: https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright

HTML code should be

© <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors. 
Tiles courtesy of <a href="https://geo6.be/">GEO-6</a>.

I also notice you used some crazy JavaScript to update the attribution.
That should not be necessary, all Layers in Leaflet have an attribution property.