
deployed project SafeOpenRoads (RoadBase)

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Thanks @hansvertriest !

So you're not using the droplet I provided ?
And not using roadbase.osoc.be ?

Is there an API ?
If so, what's the URL of your API ?

For long term deployment of the project we are using the droplet you provided: http://roadbase.osoc.be/
That server however does not have enough memory that the project needs so on that droplet we can only use a small subset to demo it.

In the short term we are using the server ABB provided us with because it has 16gb of RAM. But ABB will probably make changes on that server that might change a lot for our project, so we do still need the roadbase.osoc.be droplet :)

Everything is currently running on 1 webserver on that droplet so we have no external API (if I'm correct @juliavdkris).

We do have an external API! It's on https://osoc-safe-open-roads.s.redpencil.io/ for the redpencil instance, and http://roadbase.osoc.be:8000/ for the droplet

We do have an external API! It's on https://osoc-safe-open-roads.s.redpencil.io/ for the redpencil instance, and http://roadbase.osoc.be:8000/ for the droplet

Cool! Thanks!

Whoops sorry, that first one should've been https://api.osoc-safe-open-roads.s.redpencil.io/