
Method for controlling the authorization type used?

mr-devs opened this issue · 3 comments

I copied and pasted the below from the documentation that I just created a PR for (#14)...

As you can see in the second method below, if we want to manually control which authorization type we use when making queries, we have to play with the OsomeTweet._use_bearer_token field (or parameter, or w/e it's called). That being said, you can see in the WARNING (at the bottom of the message) that you can set this to whatever you want and, if you don't set it correctly, it will break the class.

Would it be valuable to create a method which controls this - ensuring the user only passes in True or False? I am happy to do this, just wanted to make sure you guys agreed this was needed.

Let me know whenever. Thanks.

Controlling which authorization type you'd like to use

As mentioned above, osometweet defaults to OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token authorization. If you'd like to use OAuth 1.0a authorization you can do that in two ways.

  1. Don't provide the OsomeTweet class your bearer_token
    • osometweet needs your bearer_token for OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token authorization. Thus, if you do not provide this token, osometweet will look for your bearer_token - not find it - and then only use your user context Twitter keys/tokens (i.e. api_key, api_key_secret, access_token, access_token_secret) from then on. For example, simply initialize the OsomeTweet class like this...
from osometweet.api import OsomeTweet

api_key_secret = "YOUR_TWITTER_API_KEY_SECRET"
access_token_secret = "YOUR_TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"

ot = OsomeTweet(
	api_key = api_key,
	api_key_secret = api_key_secret,
	access_token = access_token,
	access_token_secret = access_token_secret
  1. Manually
    • Perhaps you have a more complicated script and you'd like to switch which authorization osometweet uses for different methods. You can manually do this by controlling what osometweet does with OsomeTweet._use_bearer_token (boolean). For example:
from osometweet.api import OsomeTweet

api_key_secret = "YOUR_TWITTER_API_KEY_SECRET"
access_token_secret = "YOUR_TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET"

ot = OsomeTweet(
	api_key = api_key,
	api_key_secret = api_key_secret,
	access_token = access_token,
	access_token_secret = access_token_secret,
	bearer_token = bearer_token

# The below line tells osometweet to NOT use the bearer_token even though it has been provided
ot._use_bearer_token = False  # <-------

# You can then switch it back with...
ot._use_bearer_token = True

WARNING: OsomeTweet._use_bearer_token can only be set to the boolean values True or False - any other value will break the class.

Would it be valuable to create a method which controls this - ensuring the user only passes in True or False? I am happy to do this, just wanted to make sure you guys agreed this was needed.

I like this!

I was actually thinking about creating a standalone OAuth class just to handle this like tweepy. This way we can decouple OSoMeTweet and oauth. The code would be easier to maintain.

Under this structure, we can many have two OAuth classes for two versions respectively. This way it would be very clear what version of OAuth the user is using.

I think that having two OAuth classes is probably the best idea, good thinking.

Not sure if you want to close this issue and start a new one or just use this one - fine with me either way. 👍

OK, I'll close this one and continue the discussion in #19