
Add example scripts

mr-devs opened this issue · 4 comments

Create scripts that can be used to gather data using the available endpoints.

Here are the endpoints available in osometweet at the moment:

  • tweet_lookup
  • user_lookup_ids
  • user_lookup_usernames
  • get_tweet_timeline
  • get_mentions_timeline
  • get_followers
  • get_following
  • search
  • sampled_stream
  • filtered_stream

Please feel free to claim one of these scripts if you're interested! 😄

See the examples/ folder for what is available.

Note: The original comment for this issue has been completely edited from it's initial form b/c it was originally opened as a question/discussion about whether we should do this. Now that we've decided to make this standard practice, I wanted to clean it up.

Good idea! I can take one or two, but maybe after you finish one case so I can see the standard.

Awesome, thanks! I'll post updates on this issue.

Tweet lookup example at #47


  • Streaming examples (filtered and sample) will be included in #75
  • Timeline examples (tweets and mentions) will be included in #82