
Use Dashicons instead of images

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Now that WP 3.8+ supports Dashicons in the admin, I think it makes sense to use those instead of image files when possible (i.e. menu icon for a custom post type).

@cdils thanks for starting the issue.

one thing you might want to do is reference issues in commits or pulls and if you have already made the pull you can reference the pull in the issue.

Git automates things so when I publish this it will show the reference in the pull notes.

OK, so I was talking about this with Jen and I like the pull in principle but I'm wondering if there is a better icon. Just as a reference point here is a link to view dash icons. I'm assuming you don't need it but if someone else reads this issue and wants to offer their 2 cents

Jen said she liked .dashicons-format-gallery and I kind of agree. It is used to represent the gallery formats but most Genesis themes do not currently support post formats and for those that do I don't think the icon will be confusing.

@NicktheGeek thanks for the info!

I think the .dashicons-format-gallery would be appropriate, too.

@cdils can you update the pull request to use dashicons-format-gallery then and I'll merge it. Thanks.