
Passing Configuration files as arguments to Evaluator through the action file

saaskesaakura345 opened this issue · 2 comments

The analyzer arguments are succesfully taken by ORT through the action file.
I am trying to pass Configuration files as arguments to the Evaluator ort-cli-evaluate-args: >
But lacking on how this can be achieved as I am receiving error

How should the configuration files be passed to Evaluator in the action file?

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Run GitHub Action for ORT
        uses: oss-review-toolkit/ort-ci-github-action@v1
          allow-dynamic-versions: 'true'
          ort-cli-analyze-args: >
            -l project=oss-project
            -l dist=external
            -l org=engineering-sdk-xyz-team-germany-berlin

       ort-cli-evaluate-args: >
         --resolutions-file ./resolutions.yml


Looks like it is looking in the wrong directory for config.yml, curations.yml and so on:

Looking for ORT configuration in the following file:
/home/ort/.ort/config/config.yml (does not exist)

Looking for analyzer-specific configuration in the following files and directories:
/home/ort/work/<Repo-Name>/<Repo-Name>/.ort.yml (does not exist)

They are actually under


According to the action.yml the following mappings exist:

--mount type=bind,source=$HOME,target=/home/ort

I found a workaround. When calling the action use:

      - name: Run GitHub Action for ORT
        uses: oss-review-toolkit/ort-ci-github-action@v1
          allow-dynamic-versions: 'true'
          ort-home-path: 'work/${{ github.event.repository.name }}/${{ github.event.repository.name }}/.ort'

But this doesn't fully work either.