
Document Fan Control Component for Pi4Micronaut

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Create documentation for the fan control functionality, following the established structure for existing components. This will include a component description, YAML configuration, circuit setup, and usage instructions.

**Developer Notes : **

  1. Component Description:
    Describe the fan control features (start, stop, speed control).
  2. YAML Configuration:
    Provide the GPIO pin configuration for fan control with an example YAML file.
  3. Circuit Setup Image:
    Create a detailed image of the fan's circuit setup using a breadboard and Raspberry Pi.
  4. Schematic Diagram:
    Include a clear schematic diagram of the fan control circuit.
  5. Usage Instructions:
    • Write instructions for starting, stopping, and setting the fan speed.
    • Include steps for testing with Micronaut and Pi4J.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Component Description - what it can do
  • Add yaml configuration
  • Circuit setup image
  • Schematic diagram
  • Instructions on how to use