
Feature: Probe whether repo has up-to-date CODEOWNERS

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Scorecard should have a probe for whether users in a CODEOWNERS file are still members of the org that the repo belongs to. An up-to-date CODEOWNERS file makes it easier for a contributor to know who can help with a PR or a question about the project. This could use the "Get Organization membership for user" API (which requires a PAT).

Might be a good fit for either the Contributors or Maintained checks.


Might be a good fit for either the Contributors or Maintained checks.

It may be better to have an "OSPO" focused category for these sort of admin required checks (like Webhooks).

whether users in a CODEOWNERS file are still members of the org that the repo belongs to

Note: I think this makes an assumption about no external collaborators. I'm guessing the GitHub OSPO didn't have these sort of scenarios.

I'm interested in this issue. I'm here at OpenSSF.

Is there a way to tell whether a repo or org is enforcing org membership for maintainer activities? Maybe the check ignores org membership where it's not enforced.

Duplicate of #1554

(trying to do some issue bookkeeping)

Users listed in the CODEOWNERS file should also be listed as contributors/maintainers, informing either the Contributors or Maintained check.