
High RAM Usage; Ram Usage increase all the time

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
Hello i have a clear install srs from stock. After 6H runtime without Clients and Streams i have a ram Usage from21% from 2GB.
On Older test i see an idle ram usage of 23MB not 420MB like me

If i kill the prozess with pkill srs it slowly increase ram usage from 2,1%. After 1 Minute i have 3.2% in idle

2024-11-15 08_37_14-root@brave-jang_ ~


To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. I Start the server with: ./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf
  2. Whaitt a time and the ram usage increase without streams and clients.

My Config looks like:

listen              1935;
max_connections     1000;
#srs_log_tank        file;
#srs_log_file        ./objs/srs.log;
daemon              on;
http_api {
    enabled         on;
    listen          1985;
http_server {
    enabled         on;
    listen          8080;
    dir             ./objs/nginx/html;
rtc_server {
    enabled on;
    listen 8000; # UDP port
    # @see https://ossrs.net/lts/zh-cn/docs/v4/doc/webrtc#config-candidate
    candidate $CANDIDATE;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
    hls {
        enabled         on;
    http_remux {
        enabled     on;
        mount       [vhost]/[app]/[stream].flv;
    rtc {
        enabled     on;
        # @see https://ossrs.net/lts/zh-cn/docs/v4/doc/webrtc#rtmp-to-rtc
        rtmp_to_rtc off;
        # @see https://ossrs.net/lts/zh-cn/docs/v4/doc/webrtc#rtc-to-rtmp
        rtc_to_rtmp off;

        gop_cache_max_frames 2500;

Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hello, today i have push a test stream to osr with ffmpeg and 1 client.. now i have no clients an no users but osrs use now 50,9% of ram form 2GB

ssysm commented

There might be a memory leak with HLS components.Try disable that.


i habe changed

hls {
enabled off;

to off and restart it, no changes in ram usage

Hy I have test it from 5.0 over 6.0 to developer releases all the same

If I refresh the summary/dashboard often I can see a ram usage increase faster than I do nothing.

Maybe some log files in cache or other thinks in cache?

Any ideas. I don't can be the first who find out it :)