
KERNEL: Can you consider supporting SO_REUSEPORT?

pbesedm opened this issue · 5 comments


Are multiple unrelated processes listening on a port using REUSEPORT?
Shouldn't this be set during the listen process? Can you submit a PR?


SO_REUSEPORT allows multiple processes to listen on the same port. If this feature is available, it seems that srs-dolphin is not useful anymore.

For more details, please refer to: https://my.oschina.net/miffa/blog/390931


Yes, I have heard about this before, but it only works on Linux kernel 3.9. I have already switched from using Dolphin to Oryx.


There is another way, which is to maintain the TCP state in the kernel, so that the program can resume its state and continue serving after a restart (such as an upgrade or crash).